The Stork Has Landed....
and brought the most beautiful baby in the whole world!!! It is said that pictures are worth a thousand words - but I don't think there are words or pictures enough to describe this baby. Pictures just don't do his cuteness justice (as confirmed by my mom =) and words just fail. However, since it's the best we can do for now, just look and imagine "100 times cuter" and you'll be in the ball park.James Pearson was born Sunday, November 27, 2011 at 10:41pm. He was beautiful from the getgo with tons of black hair and dark bluish-grey eyes (that we think will probably turn brown). Weighing in at a healthy 8 lbs, 1.4 oz, he passed his first tests with flying colors. Everything regarding the labor and delivery went as smoothly as it possibly could with our doctor declaring me 'an OB's dream!' (although I wondered if he says that to every laboring woman) and no complications. The hospital staff was nothing short of fantastic and we felt so well cared for. I was pleasantly surprised that he looked liked me with Jared's nose and lips! Most of my nieces and nephews seem to look more like their other parent, so I was truly surprised, but so excited!
A few days later (Saturday) I called the nurse just to ask about a few things and she recommended us coming in just to check things out - I was sure I'd be home in my own bed by 11:00pm. Lo and behold I was in LABOR and ended up staying. Then, ta-da! A baby! Jared was a fabulous support - he was exhausted afterwards! I can't imagine why...
Here is our week in a nutshell:
My sweet boy.
On his way home from the hospital.
His faces are the SADDEST but they make me laugh they are so cute! There is one we call the 'the angry elf' and 'the turtle' - this one is 'the saddest boy in the world'.
Recognize those lips anyone?
Our first family pictures.
Six days old
Six days old

I know, cheesy but who really cares? It was the photographer's idea and we loved it. Don't mind that I'm still in maternity clothes...

I wish you could see how he smiles in his sleep, the dimples in each cheek, hear his coos and feel his impossibly silky smooth skin. I love this little person and feel like Christmas has come early this year. It's hard to imagine him as a sassy teenager or anything besides a darling sweet boy, but hopefully we can be good parents and he grows up as perfectly as we imagine. But for now, I'll just enjoy every minute of his babyhood.