Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I Want to be a Grandma

I don't mean that I am ready for Jamesiepie to run off and get married so I can have grandkids. I mean, I hope that someday I can be like all the grandmas I know and love; grandmas work magic!
Example: A few Sundays ago I was in a bishop's interview and Jared had James in the foyer. Our hungry James was wailing to let everyone know how he felt. After several minutes of Jared trying to soothe him, he was balancing the baby while navigating the diaper bag for a binkie, our friend's mother offered to hold the baby. Before Jared could work his binkie trick, she had calmed James, and rocked him to sleep. As she handed a peacefully snoozing baby back to an amazed Jared she said with a grin, "I'm kind of like a baby whisperer...I'm a grandma!"
And seriously, most grandma's I know (real grandmas) are just that incredible! My own darling mother and Jared's sweet mom both rock James to sleep in minutes. They make everything better and when you get older, they still have magic, just for different uses. When I was an insanely busy college student living in the same town as my grandparents (after living several states away my entire life), I would try to visit or at least telephone them once a week. (More often when occasion permited or dictated - dramatic breakups, holidays etc.) They always made me feel like a million bucks and I would come away confident and loved, ready to face the craziness again.
In discussing this subject, my friend and I concluded that it is the love that grandmas (and many grandpas) radiate - they are unflustered by the little things that young moms are sometimes consumed with, and they have refined their loving skills until it just pours from them. Everyone, especially little ones, respond to love.
So on the day of love, here's to all the amazing grandmas and grandpas of the world who have refined the art of true love! Someday, I hope I am like you!

1 comment:

Sarah Ringer said...

I loved this post! What good thoughts--this makes me want to call Grandma right now and tell her how much I love and appreciate her and YES how much I DO want to be a grandma one day! :)